Cool Ranch Circus Peanuts

What if you went to your local C-store and bought that package of Cool Ranch Doritos you’d been thinking about all day? As you open the bag hoping for the long-awaited scent of sweet Cool Ranch, you look down only to discover the package is full of Circus Peanuts. You’d lose trust in the brand

Intentional Happy Accidents

I was out to lunch with my wife at a hip, new place downtown. The décor was fresh and modern. And up on the TV monitors, the entire time we were eating, were old episodes of Bob Ross’ Joy of Painting. We were enthralled. Don’t you love his ‘happy accidents?’ That’s where real creativity lies…

An Owl in a Flock of Pigeons

As someone who has worked with numerous brands, I can attest to the power of having a creative brand. Being a bold, creative brand is not for the faint of heart, but that’s the point. Have you ever stopped to ask yourself, “What is a brand?” A brand is not just a logo or a


As a marketing leader, I know firsthand the frustration of constantly proving ROI on every marketing activity. It seems like no matter how successful a campaign is; there is always someone who wants to see the numbers and question the value of the investment. While measuring the success of marketing campaigns is important, those measurable