There are two types of people in the world. The type who let their emails stack up in their inbox, with thousands of unread messages, and the type who clicks on spam emails for the sole purpose of getting rid of that pesky notification icon on their desktop or phone. Some keep their inboxes in
Even if you don’t have “copywriter” or “content” in your job title, everyone is a copywriter at some point in their career. If you’ve ever found yourself writing copy for any of your company’s marketing materials, or external communications (this could even be something as small as an email, or a tweet) you’ve put your
Building a marketing automation system is a lot like planting your own vineyard. With the word “automation” in the name, one would think that it’s easy to set and forget. That’s not the case. Maintaining a marketing system takes constant attention, just like growing your bountiful vineyard. It would be nice to be wined and
Chances are, during your prime dating years, you probably dated someone who wasn’t suitable for you at least once—I certainly have. The problem is that it can take a while to discover that it’s not meant to be. Whether it’s the slow progression of your loved one taking you for granted, leaving their junk lying